Just a little note to say hello and welcome you to my site... check back in, or jump on my mailing list to keep in touch.
This photo was inspired by the template I used to pull this blog together... it feels fitting for this Capricorn (goat) Sun, Mercury, Mars... not sure what that all means? No problem! You'll likely get a sense of it by coming around here more often, or maybe not... I won't make any promises about what I'm going to share here. But I do intend to share ;)
“Do what makes you happy, girl. Don't worry about us. When you're happy, we're happy.” - wise words from my wily Grandma Anita circa 2004.
This was a life-changing conversation for me in my early 20's. My grandmother's birthday is today, and I felt this message come in again. She's been gone 6 years already, but I still connect with her and remember what she encouraged in me and how she called me forward all those years ago. Anyways... this lil quote is just a thank you to her, her inspiration in my jumping in to put my heart on this page, and the reminder to YOU that you also get to be happy. Give yourself permission. Others will make it what they will.
okay, So, what's happening here?
Good question. I'm still figuring that out. But I LOVE that you popped in anyways. What I can tell you is that it's going to vary, and it's going to be real... like I live my life. Clear, honest, authentic, and as vulnerable as possible (to be fair - this one I'm still working on).
A few things I'll come in to share about over the course of time:
Astrology & Human Design - because I ❤️ birth charts (and math really... stuff I can quantify and "figure out").
Relationships & Love - because my life is full of relationships (just like yours!) and I think a lot of good comes from sharing truths about how we are, how we feel, and what we struggle with.
Health - because if you know me (which you hopefully will soon) you'll know that my life has been one long health journey on top of other areas of interest. More to come on this...
Education - since I came from "the system", trained as an educator in Public, Montessori, Early Childhood, and more... and because I have what I deem to be a fresh and supportive view of what it means to Educate. I promise I won't talk at ya... mostly.
Purpose - as this has been the focus of much of my life for the past 10+ years since I hit my Saturn Return... what the heck are we doing here? How do we fill ourselves up with happiness and feelings of purpose. How can your birth chart help?
And more... I don't want to limit myself. I want to show up and be here with my full self, always. And I hope the same for you within your own life!
For now I'm rolling along with Intuitive Synthesis Sessions. These have really taken on a life of their own. I intuitively blend together your birth charts with your akashic records to open the doors for understanding and change. We all get stuck sometimes in old patterns, even ones we don't see at first. Your charts give me insight to certain personalities, behaviours, mentalities and more. We use the Akashic Records so you can ask deep probing questions (or sometimes not so deep) and we can ask your Record Keepers for some clarity, support, and possible guidance so you can move forward with more clarity and gumption (this word is funny, but it totally fits, so let's roll with it...).
Keep in touch... add your name and email on my Home Page and I'll let you know when more stuff hits the road here. I plan to roll out Audios (like thoughts on life, meditations, and practices to support you), Videos (eventually, when I allow myself to step into being seen), and more blog posts where I can dig into ideas and share more tangible information if you like to read (personally I like it all - reading, watching, listening - so I'll honour that by allowing myself to produce a bit from each category and see what wants to come in).
Got a question, or just want to say hi? Connect with me at the bottom of the page.